- 記念月間{きねん げっかん}
anniversary month 意味
- while hoon-ko (a memorial service for his grandfather shinran ) began around 1294 , nyoshin made a trip to kyoto in each anniversary month of shinran ' s death , and initiated kakunyo into the doctrine of the jodo shinshu school (the pure true land buddhism .)
- "anniversary dinner" 意味
- "anniversary event" 意味
- "anniversary gift" 意味
- "anniversary issue" 意味
- "anniversary journalism" 意味
- "anniversary of a person's death" 意味
- "anniversary of a victory" 意味
- "anniversary of an outbreak of war" 意味
- "anniversary of founding (of prc)" 意味
- "anniversary issue" 意味
- "anniversary journalism" 意味
- "anniversary of a person's death" 意味
- "anniversary of a victory" 意味