anniversary month 意味

  • 記念月間{きねん げっかん}


  1. while hoon-ko (a memorial service for his grandfather shinran ) began around 1294 , nyoshin made a trip to kyoto in each anniversary month of shinran ' s death , and initiated kakunyo into the doctrine of the jodo shinshu school (the pure true land buddhism .)


        anniversary:     anniversary n. 記念日, 周年祭. 【動詞+】 The college has attained its sixty-third anniversary. その大学は創立以来 63 年になった celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of Mozart's birth モーツァルトの生誕 200 年を祝う
        by the month:    月当たり、月極め{つきぎめ}で
        in a month:    あと一月{ひとつき}もしたら[経ったら]
        month:     month n. (暦の上の)月. 【動詞+】 add a few months to one's sabbatical 研究休暇を数か月延長する You have three months to find work. 職を探すのに 3 か月ある She needed a good six months to prepare for the examina
        of the month:     of the mónth 月間最高[最長]の Book of the M~月間最良の本.
        this month:    this month 今月 こんげつ 当月 とうげつ
        month by month:    月ごとに、毎月{まいつき}
        month to month:    {形} :
        month-to-month:    {形} : 月極め{つきぎめ}の
        100th anniversary:    100周年{しゅうねん}
        anniversary advertising:    周年広告{しゅうねん こうこく}
        anniversary clock:    anniversary clock 400日巻時計[機械]
        anniversary date:    契約応当日{けいやく おうとう び}
        anniversary day:    オーストラリア建国記念日◆Australia Day の旧称
        anniversary dinner:    例年{れいねん}の響宴


  1. "anniversary dinner" 意味
  2. "anniversary event" 意味
  3. "anniversary gift" 意味
  4. "anniversary issue" 意味
  5. "anniversary journalism" 意味
  6. "anniversary of a person's death" 意味
  7. "anniversary of a victory" 意味
  8. "anniversary of an outbreak of war" 意味
  9. "anniversary of founding (of prc)" 意味
  10. "anniversary issue" 意味
  11. "anniversary journalism" 意味
  12. "anniversary of a person's death" 意味
  13. "anniversary of a victory" 意味

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